Founder Izac Ross Featured on Talking Head Pain Podcast

Founder Izac Ross Featured on Talking Head Pain Podcast

The Haven Team
January 24, 2024
min read

We're excited to share that our very own Izac Ross was recently featured as a guest on the Talking Head Pain podcast with host Joe Coe! He shares his unique perspective on migraine; not only as a patient with chronic migraine since childhood, but also as the co-founder and CEO of Haven Headache and Migraine Center. 

During the episode, Izac provides an inside look at his experience grappling with severe migraine since childhood and describes the ups and downs of chronic migraine. He describes finally feeling like he had some coveted crystal clear days after starting botox, to experiencing the worst migraine attack of his life and struggling with daily headaches for years afterwards as well as incredibly long wait times to see a headache specialist.  He shares how he eventually found an effective treatment plan on his path to finding more good days. He also discusses the importance of advocating for yourself, finding balance in your life and striving to do the things you are passionate about. 

Additionally, Izac explains his vision behind founding Haven Headache & Migraine Center. He saw firsthand how difficult it can be to access compassionate, comprehensive migraine care quickly Haven Headache aims to change that through virtual care, access to in-person procedures and acute care, and patient empowerment.

Haven Headache is committed to helping migraine patients take control of their disease and have more good days. We highly recommend all our patients and partners take a listen! You can find the Talking Head Pain podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Cast, Google Podcasts, or your podcast platform of choice.

Let us know what you think after tuning in! And as always, reach out if you have any questions about the virtual migraine care we provide.

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