Introducing: Haven Headache & Migraine Center

Introducing: Haven Headache & Migraine Center

The Haven Team
January 16, 2024
min read

Our team is excited to announce the California launch of Haven Headache and Migraine Center. We’re a virtual clinic focused on migraine with in-person options for Botox, nerve blocks, and IV infusions (preventive and rescue).

Why we started Haven

For the majority of the 40 million Americans with migraine, getting comprehensive headache care is either completely out of reach or extremely hard to do. In fact, only 8% of people with migraine are able to successfully navigate the healthcare system to get the headache care they need. This is hardly surprising considering it can take up to six months to see a UCNS-certified headache specialist—if there are even any in your area. 

The thing is, migraine has truly become a treatable condition. In the last five years, 12 new migraine-specific drugs have come onto the market, all with minimal side-effects. However, there is a shortage of knowledgeable providers who can get these drugs into the hands of the people who need them the most.

This simply leads to people spending more time in treatable pain, with fewer good days. 

How Haven can help you

At Haven, we’ve built a virtual headache and migraine clinic designed around ease of use, and peace of mind. Our patients will experience the following:

  • To start, we set patients up with a headache specialist appointment to create a personalized care plan for your mild, moderate, and most severe headaches. Appointments are scheduled without a referral, in weeks instead of in months.
  • When you meet with your specialist, you can be rest assured that they’re experienced in treating headaches, and that they will take your pain seriously. In fact, everyone on our team today either has migraine or has an immediate family member with the condition.
  • If your care plan requires in-person procedures like Botox or nerve blocks, we have in-person partner providers who can see you. 
  • Your care team will also monitor your migraine symptoms remotely through our digital Migraine Diary, and proactively reach out to you during bad migraine attacks to provide care. For example, if you have a severe migraine attack that might typically require an ER visit, we can set you up with an in-home rescue IV, or guide you to one of our partner infusion centers for treatment that is faster and more affordable than the ER.

With Haven, you’re not alone.

What else should I know?

A Haven membership costs $35 per month. This provides you with access to our concierge-level health services, all while staying in-network with most major carriers* for appointments, procedures, and medications. 

When can I sign up?

We'll start seeing a select number of California patients in January, and we’ll expand our roster as the year progresses. All in-person services (Botox, nerve blocks, and IV infusions) will be available in Southern California, and IV infusion services will be available throughout California. You can add your email to our waitlist to be notified when we’re accepting more patients, and when we’re expanding to other states.

We sincerely hope that you join us on this journey to make accessible world-class headache and migraine care a reality.

Here’s to having more good days!

- The Haven Team

*In-network with these major carriers:

  • Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Aetna, Cigna, UHC, HealthNet and TriCare
  • For now, we are not accepting patients who have Medicare and Medicaid but we will in the future
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